I've felt for some time, now, that this journey I'm on is about more than what I put in my mouth... And, BOY, was I right!! I had a "clicking" moment last week that really woke me up... Something just clicked, I connected the dot from my emotions about something, to the very-over-my-points-that-day eating binge I had gone on.
So, I told Steve, "Honey, I really need to start that LIFL book..." So, he surprised me & ordered it!! :) It was probably the only time he'll ever be able to surprise me in a good way with something that says "You need to lose weight!!" LOL
Seriously, as the book put it, I've taken the red pill, and I've gotta tell you, it hurts going down... Reality is not easy to swallow, sometimes, especially when it's about ourselves.
So, I've been doing not so hot with the WW's, but I've kept going to meetings, and last week, I even "checked out" our class mascot, Hungry!! The kids loved him, and having him around did help me stop & think before I put something in my mouth.

So, onward & down-ward, I say!! :) Here's to figuring out how to "Lose It For Life"!!