Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 8, almost 9!!

First things first!! I have lost a total of 14.6lbs since I joined WW's in March!! And, that's with a cruise thrown in there!! I can't believe it...

But I feel myself slipping. This week, especially, has been hard. Not because I don't want to (for the most part), but because I haven't gone to the grocery store since I got back from the cruise! My mil was here when I got back & had done a trip, but you know how that goes. And, for someone who is pretty health conscious, she got some really bad stuff, nutritionally, that did not help in getting back on track. And, it's kinda weird to exercise at home when there's someone else staying with you who gets up a little earlier than you do. Can we say awkward?

This past week has been challenging. I've not exercised AT ALL, and I actually kinda miss it. I miss having that feeling first thing in the morning. And, yes, I was sick, like achy & stuffed up so much there is no breathing through your nose sick, but I haven't been that way for at least 3-4's HARDER than I remembered to get back into the swing of things.

SO, again, here's to being persistent!! :) I need to get back into the LIFL book, too. Chelle & I suspended that before the cruise, and I'd like to get her her own workbook :). But we will start that soon.

So, here's looking forward & staying persistent!! :)

Love ya!! :)