Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 8, almost 9!!

First things first!! I have lost a total of 14.6lbs since I joined WW's in March!! And, that's with a cruise thrown in there!! I can't believe it...

But I feel myself slipping. This week, especially, has been hard. Not because I don't want to (for the most part), but because I haven't gone to the grocery store since I got back from the cruise! My mil was here when I got back & had done a trip, but you know how that goes. And, for someone who is pretty health conscious, she got some really bad stuff, nutritionally, that did not help in getting back on track. And, it's kinda weird to exercise at home when there's someone else staying with you who gets up a little earlier than you do. Can we say awkward?

This past week has been challenging. I've not exercised AT ALL, and I actually kinda miss it. I miss having that feeling first thing in the morning. And, yes, I was sick, like achy & stuffed up so much there is no breathing through your nose sick, but I haven't been that way for at least 3-4's HARDER than I remembered to get back into the swing of things.

SO, again, here's to being persistent!! :) I need to get back into the LIFL book, too. Chelle & I suspended that before the cruise, and I'd like to get her her own workbook :). But we will start that soon.

So, here's looking forward & staying persistent!! :)

Love ya!! :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Here We Weigh Again...

About a week and a half ago, I re-joined Weight Watcher's. I stopped going right before our vacation to Myrtle Beach last year because of time & money... I lacked both!! HAHAHA

Nobody really reads this blog, probably because I don't post very often, but if you read my original blog Mommy Princess, then you know I'm going on a cruise, in, oh, about 4 weeks now!! (WOOHOO!!) And, no, I did not join WW's right now because I think I'm gonna lose 100lbs in 4 weeks!! My sister Chelle said it best, "You've got to start sometime." So, why wait 'til after the cruise?' Why not start NOW?!!? So, I did.

WI Week 1: -6.8

WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!! Can I say, I haven't had that great of a first WI @ WW's, like, um, NEVER? I started WATP's again, the same week, because I know that for my body type (PCOS) exercise is KEY. I forgot how GOOD it feels to exercise. Weird, I know, I have NEVER said that about exercising before. But the benefits are SO worth it. And, I will have more endurance on the cruise!! :)

Chelle (my little sister) and I have started the book "Lose It For Life." I never finished it last year. I started homeschooling got busy after vacation & haven't read anything, really, if it didn't pertain to lesson planning. But, no more. ;) We're meeting on Mondays, kids or no kids, to keep each other accountable to reading & doing the homework...maybe talk through it, maybe not, we're gonna let it run its course & see how it goes. But, we have accountability to do the work.

That brings us BACK to WW's. Accountability is really priceless for me. Someone at that scale, having to look me in the eye, it really does a lot more for me, and knowing that I'm weighing in is a motivator to stay on trak. Not all the time, but the majority of the time, anyway :)

OK, so here's to The Persistent Mommy Princess... Maybe THAT's what this blog should be called!! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Persistance, Not Perfection

Well, I don't know if anyone even stops by to read this blog anymore, because I'm such a random poster, but for myself, I'm checking in!! :)

The holidays were great!! And, so was the food!! I started off well with exercising, then things got way busy, and I just have a hard time mentally when it comes to fitting in my workouts. Scheduling just seems to overwhelm me with that. When my schedule's crazy, out goes the workouts because I just can't seem to understand how it'll fit into my day logistically...Mental herdals I guess.

I did read something since I last posted that offered me some insight on the bigger picture. I get emails from the Flylady (, and she is passionate about getting rid of clutter...ALL kinds of clutter...on the diet front, she calls it "body clutter." (Isn't that appropriate? LOL) Anyways, she sends out testimonials daily from people she hears from daily, on how her system, her way of changing their perspective has helped them...One of these struck a chord with me.

The Flybaby was thanking Flylady for helping her realize that she didn't have to be perfect, just persistent. There are times of falling off the wagon, and no one is perfect all the time...but, she said, I can be persistent. Persistence is getting back on the wagon & just keeping on in the right direction. No, not perfectly, but persistently. Persistence wins the race, not perfection.

So, that got me thinking...that principle can really be applied in all areas of my life. As a Christian, I am not perfect, but I can be persistent in my walk with Christ. I can be persistent in Bible study, making the right decisions, etc... He knows I will make mistakes. We all do!! But what is important is staying persistent, not giving up because of one bad choice, one week/month/year of missing daily devotions (HA!!).

There's gonna be lots of chances to learn from mistakes along the way. Whether we're talking about dieting (or a new lifestyle of eating habits), or any other place of growth in our lives.

So, here's to being persistent!! I hope this has helped in changing your perspective, too, on perfection vs. persistence!! :)

Love you all :)