Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So. Last night I went to my "first" Weight Watcher's Meeting. I say "first" because it's not the first time I've joined WW's, but the first time this go-around.

I have to say, I was impressed with this new "Momentum" program. They still do points, weekly points, activity points, & all that jazz...But their focus is different. I've been to a few meetings in my day, and I can tell you that everyone in that room is wanting to eat as much food as they can without going over in their points, and that's what WW's is trying to teach us now.

I need meetings. I need people there behind the scale, seeing the same number I am, because I need that kind of accountability. I've also started going to a meeting by myself. My mom & sister are going together, and I've gone with them & other friends & family members before, too. This time, I need to do this by myself. I can't explain why I feel so strongly about that, but I do. Don't get me wrong, I like to know that I'm not alone in this dieting journey, and that since my mom & sister are doing it we can encourage each other. Yet, I've always gone to meetings with other people, and I've never succeeded. I think I compare myself to others too much.

ANYWAYS, whatever the real reason, I can't say for sure. But I am going alone. Well, not really alone, but there is no buddy with me this time...

And, for some reason, I need that.

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