Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 5

Today's going very well...Sundays are always wacky for us, there is no sticking to our "regular" schedule, but I've adapted very well!!

I did have a weak moment this morning. I had a good breakfast before we left for church (a banana & lite toast, 1 slice 1/2Tbs peanut butter, other slice with spray butter), so I wasn't famished...but after I got done singing with the Praise Team, I went to make sure Abbey made her way to Children's Church, and went into the kitchen to get some ice water (we have an AWESOME ice machine there!! :) I LOVE it!!) Anyways, while I was in there...I saw it. A Tim Horton's doughnut box...

And, yes, I opened it...And, yes, I ate one...I had a chocolate cake glazed one. It was DELICIOUS. But I felt bad afterwards, and still do. Now, I still have plenty of weekly points left, so that's not an issue.

But part of this journey, I know, is learning self-control. Self-control is so important, so important that Jesus even mentioned it as a fruit of the spirit (funny, he called it a "fruit" LOL Who says Jesus doesn't have a sense of humor?!?! LOL).

I know that I won't learn self-control in one week. This is just going to take practice. Every day. Not easy in a "microwave" society...

My next step in the coming weeks is to make a list of goals I want to incorporate into my life. I don't like to exercise. My mind knows it's good for me, though, but the rest of me isn't excited about it! LOL

I'm getting close to my first weigh in!! :)


  1. You are doing great!!! I know what you mean about feeling guilty about that doughnut...but don't beat yourself up! If you had the points and you really wanted is okay.

    Self-control...oh, how I LOATHE that term! THAT is my biggest struggle. And just when I think I have it tackled....I lose it again. One of the things that I started a year ago is doing an occasional 24 hour fast. For instance, I did one this weekend. After dinner on Saturday until dinner on Sunday (5:30 to 5:30), I didn't eat anything. I drank, but didn't eat. And the why behind this is...(besides being scripturally a good thing)...if God can help me control my hunger for 24 hours while I am focusing on HIM, then surely the rest of the time He will help me control my appetite...and not even really my appetite, but the urge to eat just because it is there.

    Just thought I would share something that I do. It isn't easy...and I don't do it often, but when I am really, really struggling, it seems to help me get back on track and it isn't as hard as it sounds on Sundays.

    You are doing so great!!! Love ya!

  2. Hey, girl, remember we're focusing on progress and not perfection. We don't have to be perfect and we can have that donut every now and then. Keep up the great work!
